Become a member
Membership of the Association may be acquired by:
PhD-students and Post-Graduates within the Migration Studies Research-Field either based in Switzerland or with a special relationship to Switzerland
Academic Staff and Professionals within the Migration-Field in Switzerland
Persons and Institutions with a special affiliation to the Migration-Field in Switzerland
As a member you benefit from the projects, the network, the gatherings and many more things.
As decided at the founding assembly, members will pay an annual fee of 30 CHF. Any additional contribution is on a voluntary basis.
New members pay their membership fee after being accepted by the SNyMS. Persons wishing to continue their membership should pay their annual membership fee by 30 April each year.
To become a member write to us, indicating your research interests and your institutional affiliation. We will get back to you shortly with more information. We are looking forward to hearing from you!