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About Us

The Swiss Network of Young Migration Scholars (SNyMS) is a non-profit association founded in Berne on 14 August 2014 that brings together young migration scholars from different scientific disciplines, universities and language regions in Switzerland. It is also open to academic staff and professionals, to institutions and private persons with a special affiliation to the migration field in Switzerland.

The purposes of the SNyMS are to

  • provide a platform for cooperation, discussion and exchange for Migration Scholars

  • disseminate information and share opportunities regarding Migration Studies Research

  • organize gatherings for academics within the Migration Studies Research

  • function as a public resource on Migration Studies Research.

GA 2024 and
Keynote Speech of Barbara von Rütte

On 21st October 2024, the SNyMS members met at the University of Bern and online for the General Assembly 2024. We celebrated the 10th birthday of the Swiss Network of young Migration Scholars and appointed a new Executive Committee. Monika Plozza, Maja Lysienia and Enja Jäggi will continue as the Executive Committee members, and Anna Marino, Emirhan Darcan and Ferenkeh Tarawally were elected as its new members.​

Upon the GA, we listened to the thought-provoking keynote speech of Barbara von Rütte "The Right to Have Rights? The Right to Citizenship in a Migration Context". Barbara argued that the right to citizenship should be strengthened on the basis of the principle of jus nexi, in order to offer effective protection for migrants’ human rights.


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Asile et abus // Asyl und Missbrauch
Regards pluridisciplinaires sur un discours dominant

Published by Anne-Cécile Leyvraz, Raphaël Rey, Damian Rosset, Robin Stünzi


Our Projects

Projects are one of the core businesses of this Network as they create opportunities for our members to mingle, brainstorm, exchange, research and propose creative solutions. They enable young researchers to work together with a team of people from different backgrounds.

Members are welcome to join existing projects at any time or start new ones.

Image by Joel Estrada


Image by Darya Tryfanava

Writing Retreat

Image by Burst

Writing Mornings

Image by Jeremy Yap


Image by Markus Winkler

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