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SNyMS has a new Executive Committee


On 4th October 2022, during the SNyMS General Assembly, the new Executive Committee has been elected. Nula Frei continues as a President of the Executive Committee, supported by the new Vice-President, Nesa Zimmermann. Monika Plozza took over as a Treasurer. They were joined by four new members of the Executive Committee: Angie Gago, Léa Hemmi, Jyothi Kanics and Maja Lysienia.

SNyMS would like to thank previous members of the Executive Committee that are stepping down in October 2022: Anne-Cécile Leyvraz, Anne Kneer, Barbara von Rütte and Lisa Marie Borelli. Their hard work and full commitment to the SNyMS aims and activities are much appreciated and we wish them all the best for their future endeavors.

The new Executive Committee is determined to bring together – even closer than so far – young migration scholars from different scientific disciplines, universities and language regions in Switzerland. Plans for 2023 are currently being drafted. Stay tuned!

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